What do You Say When Asked How to Make Money

What do you say when someone comes up to you and asks you how to make money?  Do you give them your philosophical ideas of the best way to acquire wealth, or do you just tell them to go get a job?  It is quite strange how while we live in a capitalist society, and understand the importance of making money and building up wealth, we often have not thought too much about the ways in which we get money.  Beyond working a job, many people haven’t thought at all about investments, insurance, or any types of savings.

After we exam the basic concept of working to get money, which any reasonable person would tell you is how to make money, we need to dig a little deeper into the secondary ways we establish nest eggs for our futures.  Stuffing money into a coffee can and hiding it in the attic has outlived its use when the days of banks disappearing and walking away with your life savings are long since past.  Or are they?  With some safeguards in place it is usually pretty safe to put money into a bank account, and it will grow a little bit of interest these days.  So how do we protect our money and still make it earn more money at the same time.  This is the age-old question.

Finding good sound investments that offer various levels of risk, and spreading your money throughout those investments is the standard answer from most people who know a little about 401Ks or IRAs.  They will tell you this is how to make money in a safe way.  The reality is that 401Ks are not totally safe since they are really just another way of playing the stock market with widely diverse funds spread over all kinds of investments.  The odds of all of them going bad are slim, unless the whole market crashes.

Some people tell you to buy real estate, as it is the easiest way to get rich.  Some will ask how to make money without investing any, which leads back to the “get a job” answer.  Bottom line is you will to put something in if you want to get something out of it later, and how conservative or risky you want to be about it is up to you.  Depending on your age and when you plan on retiring, you will decide how much to put in and how to risk it.


Christopher Mendetta is an experienced internet marketer who have built businesses and are now teaching others how to achieve the same success. For more information on how to make money at home visit: http://www.home-based-profit.com


Article from articlesbase.com

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